Alkaline Water Product Feature
Welcome To

Herbal Way

Herbal Way is a health and wellness community that focuses on teaching self well-being by using the tools of alternative healing. In short, we believe the exposure to the health benefits of alkaline water sets the foundation for a prolonged healthy lifestyle.

How It Works

  • Learn
  • Acquire
  • Apply
  • Repeat

Start your journey by completing our course pathways

Herbal Way Communities is your one stop tool to gather the education you need to apply
our self care principles.

Start Now


Purchase the recommended products from the courses you take.

When taking courses in our community you will be introduced to relevant herbal products which you can buy from the community store.

Take a look


Apply our training methods through the products you acquired

Trying out our products with the education on how to use them should give you the foundation to practice self care.


Consistency is key to get the desired results

Your herbal journey will be unique, and any health benefits will vary based on a number of factors. Repetition will prove in time what method is beneficial or not and prove that what we do is effective

Begin Your Journey

Herbal Way Community

Herbal Way Community is an online one stop shop for all things Self-Care. We provide the tools and resources for you to build your self-care journey through our online courses, social groups, and Q&A Forums.

health and wellness community
Ethically Sourced

Alkaline Water

Start your self-care journey with a bottle of our alkaline water pH 9.5. On sale 50% off discount

health and wellness Alkaline Water Product
Beauty Water

starting at $12.99

health and wellness Beauty Water Product
Alkaline Jug

starting at $14.99

health and wellness Alkaline Water Jug Product
Cleaning Water

Strong Acidic Water without harmful chemicals. Starting at $19.99

health and wellness Cleaning Water Product

Ethically Sourced Products

We strive to provide the best quality products that will make a difference.
100% satisfaction guaranteed.


Certified Organic

Sustainably Harvested



Herbal Way Community

health and wellness community



* 7 Day Free Trial. Offer limited 

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